CarbonFeel rests on solid methodological and technological bases, but not enough, the fight against climate change requires addressing the challenges with ideas and collaborative solutions, in which governments, businesses, citizens, nonprofit organizations, academia and research provide knowledge to set up an innovative and disruptive way of working. The partnership program CarbonFeel provides different forms of participation, we only require in our collaboration agreements true commitment to the fight against climate change.
Participation levels set allow any entity to collaborate more or less actively according to their profile and corporate interests.Since entities wishing to collaborate in various standardization committees, through companies that merely want to calculate and track their carbon footprint, and to those that simply 'feel' that something must be done to introduce into society an accessible, transparent and comparable Carbon Footprint.If you believe that your company may be interested in any of the levels of participation, please contact the office CarbonFeel at CarbonFeel Office.
The collaboration agreement ResearchFeel (Spanish Link) is intended to universities, related initiatives, technology centers and specialized consulting in specific sectors and stakeholders to participate and contribute their knowledge to establish sectoral plans standardization
The ConsultingFeel (Spanish Link) agreement is aimed at environmental consulting and verifying entities that wish to include in its portfolio of services studies CarbonFeel calculation and verification services.
CrewFeel (Spanish Link) joins the crew CarbonFeel any entity deems it necessary to start the process of transformation of our patterns of production and consumption patterns towards a low carbon culture.
Business associations, governments, NGOs, foundations, corporations or any entity type that has incorporated in its values the protection and restoration of our environment is invited to join in CarbonFeel crew.
The SchoolFeel (Spanish Link) collaboration agreement is aimed at Study Centers interested in promoting environmental awareness in their students to participate in the fight against climate change. A team of volunteers selected from among their students will learn how to calculate the carbon footprint of the study center and promote initiatives to reduce emissions for years to come. Once the study is completed, the center will be recognized in the register of the Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica regulated by Real Decreto 163/2014.
Powered by Fundación Funciona
MC3 Methodology © Copyright Juan Luís Doménech
CarbonFeel © Copyright Adolfo Carballo 2015 Todos los derechos reservados