Carbon Footprint Semantics and Calculation Methodology

CarbonFeel provides a range of services related to the quantification and communication processes of the Carbon Footprint. These services are focused on providing methodological and technological support to our partners, and through them, to society in general. The ProjectFeel (Spanish Link)  studies, implemented by the collaborating entities, can be assisted by the CarbonFeel Stuff and Technical Committee.


TrainingFeel (Spanish Link) services allow collaborating entities to obtain the knowledge and skills to use CarbonFeel tools for both the quantification process and new standard configuration. Thus, TrainingFeel provides the methodological basis that is required for suitable use, that ensures monitoring and reduction, of the carbon footprint.


Feel (Spanish Link) standards are subject to different rules depending on the country, business and currency; if your project requires a new standard, you may require the SetupFeel (Spanish Link) service. This allows the definition of rules along collaborating consultants, universities and technology centers based on real experiences and the strict compliance with reporting international standards.


PortalFeel (Spanish Link) is a double database of products and services ordered by the Classification of products by activities (CPA). This database allows to store both the detail of the calculation, what are called scenarios, and which can be compared with other studies using the CompareFeel functionality; as well as the records of the calculation of a product or service footprint that can be used for the integration in the calculation of other projects through the Import Footprint functionality.


DataBaseFeel (Spanish Link) is a database available from the BookFeel  (Spanish Link) tool itself so that it can adopt the most appropriate values to the scenario under study. Based on IPCC terminology, you can adopt values from other sources and calculation experiences so that an entity, consultant, business association, technology centers, etc. can publish their own database that is more appropriate and locally close and that will be used in their Projects.
